XDRNET: Active Defense for Enterprise of Things


Making Cybersecurity

Work For You

cropped view of african american businessman using laptop and smartphone in car with cyber security
Our Product

Active Defense for the Enterprise of Things:DETECTMONITORSISOLATES

Detects threats at earlier stages than other devices.

Multiple notification systems and immediate alerting.

Monitors the Dark Web for leaked credentials.

Automation in Targeted Attack processes.

Immediate isolation and blocking of the threat.


Data Center




Start your Active Defense plan today.


Technical Specifications

Advanced Threat Detection through multiple systems

Network Monitoring

Real-Time Detection of any type of threat connected to your IT, Cloud, IoT network, or in industrial segments (OT).

File Integrity

We detect any creation, modification, or deletion on audited folders that simulate the company's document structure.

OS Emulation

High interaction with the different emulated Operating Systems or services that allow obtaining Indicators of Compromise (IoC).

Dashboard or SIEM used by the SOC team for anomaly detection. Available only for MSSPs.

“XDRNET enables the generation and customization of playbooks, reducing the response time to threats’ impact. Its integration with various systems allows for both action automation and blocking by an operator or technician with just one click.”

Immediate Alert after detecting compromise in the systems


Identification of the attacker with the compromised device data, facilitating their identification at the moment of intrusion.


Recommendation of actions for containment or analysis of the Alert. Threat isolation in just one click.

No False Positives

You will only receive alerts in which intrusion has actually been detected, eliminating the high rate of False Positives.

XDRNET integrates with multiple ‘Push’ notification systems, so you can receive the alert on mobile phones as well as other types of devices. This allows us to respond immediately when there is a real compromise in the network.

Dashboard or SIEM used by the SOC team for anomaly detection. Available only for MSSPs.

Monitoring of credentials on the Dark Web

Active Data Searching

We dynamically search for any leakage or sale of data in channels, forums, or publications on the Dark Web.

Information Leaks

We incorporate exposed credentials into our database to detect Targeted Attacks against your organization.

Exposed credentials

We have over 3.2 billion combinations of legitimate user-password pairs in our database to analyze the results.

Tool for detecting information leaks and credential exposure. Available only for MSSPs.

“The Threat Intelligence team at XDRNET continuously monitors the Dark Web, searching for credentials for sale that have been fraudulently obtained to increase our database with over 3.2 trillion unique user/password combinations.”

Automation of actions against Targeted Attacks

Monitoring and data analysis

We understand the context of the company and isolate the network of the compromised device, preventing lateral movements.

Threat Detection

We examine all generated alerts, reporting any anomalous behaviors that require review by the IT team.

Attack Response

We generate alerts that allow integration with other Orchestration elements, expanding the detail of the IoC.

“XDRNET allows for the generation and customization of playbooks, reducing the time to action in response to a threat. Its integration with different systems enables both action automation and blocking by an operator or technician with just one click.”

Control flow panel (SOAR) used by the SOC team for action automation.

Threat isolation without agent installation

Isolation in OT environments

We are able to isolate a threat in Industrial environments as well as communications between PLCs, SCADA, Robots, ... without impacting the rest of the network.

Isolation in IT environments

We protect hybrid segments, Cloud or On-premise, where communication between them is complex.

Isolation in IoT environments

We isolate the detected threat using techniques that allow blocking connections from the device, without the need to install any agents.

We are the only technology capable of isolating a threat without any additional installation.

“The purpose we have with our R&D is the foundation of our main goal. We aim to drive change and guide our clients in their own security transformation, in a close and personal manner. Thanks to our R&D, we provide specific solutions and services to meet new needs.”

Hiram Fernández, Chief Executive Officer, SEVEN SECTOR TECHNOLOGIES


“First, the Proof of Concept, where the installation (virtual or physical) of a detection probe is carried out.

Then, the events collected by the probe are sent to the SOC (Security Operation Center) team, and from there they monitor 24×7 what happens.”

If something is detected, the SOC team responds with the established procedure (playbooks) that include options according to the license level, such as:

  1. Immediate warning.
  2. Blocking or isolating the threat.
  • Proof of concept.
  • 24×7 monitoring of what happens.
  • If something is detected, the SOC team responds with:
    • Immediate warning.
    • Blocking or isolation of the threat.
  • The Incident Response Team takes action.
  • Monthly reports.

Frequently Ask Questions

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What they say about us

Start your Active Defense plan today







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